WP1: Wide Area Power Quality Propagation Measurements (NPL, BRML, METAS, SMU, STU BA, SP, Trescal, VSL, REG(TU-E)) The aim of this WP is to develop and deploy time synchronised tools to measure and locate significant or aggregated PQ disturbances as they propagate the wider grid network. Generally, this will develop knowledge about propagation mechanisms through different network configurations and components. Specifically, for a given network, it will provide vital information for system designers and operators. WP2: Phasor Measurement Units in Distribution Networks (METAS, EIM, INRIM, LNE, NPL, SIQ, SP, VSL, REG(EPFL)) This work package aims at expanding the basic Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) metrology infrastructure realised in JRP SmartGrids1 in order to meet new and future traceability requirements for PMUs. WP3: Network impedance measurements (VSL, IMBiH, NPL) The aim of this work package is to develop and apply PMU/phasor-based methods to measure the network impedance at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies on sections of HV/MV grid. Knowledge of network impedances is essential for PQ measurements as they directly affect the propagation of disturbances such as harmonics and flicker. For example, system resonances amplify harmonics whereas shunt capacitances attenuate harmonics. Designs of expensive harmonic mitigation filters can be optimised if the harmonic frequency impedances of the network are known. As the network impedance varies according to the mix of connected loads and generators, it may need to be measured over a prolonged period to obtain its upper and lower bounds. WP4: A Transducer Measurement Framework in Support of PMUs/PQ (INRIM, CMI, MIKES, UniNA2) The aim of this work package is to provide a measurement and uncertainty framework for the medium/high voltage level current and voltage transducers (CT, VT) used in PMU and PQ measurement systems.