Welcome to the Smart Grids II project website This website is dedicated to the Joint Research Project (JRP) number ENG52 which belongs to the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP). The EMRP, in turn, is implemented by EURAMET and supported by the European Union. Specifically, this JRP website is about “Smart Grid Power Quality and Stability Measurements in Europe”. This project follows on from Smart Grids 1 and is linked also to ENG63 GridSens In the navigation menu we provide you information about the project background and the work packages, about the partners involved and the industrial stakeholders that are contributing to the project and, of course, about all the news and the events that are coming. If you are interested in collaborating with the Smart Grids II project or registering as a stakeholder please address any queries you may have to the JRP-Consortium via the contact us page. Click here for the latest publishable summary.